In 2021, 342 000 Finnish young people and adults were studying in vocational training. The overall number of completed competencies was 69 000. Vocational training covers the second largest proportion of the Finnish educational system, right after comprehensive education.
Developing the world of work is one of the basic tasks of vocational education and training. The training is usually customised to meet the requirements of the workplaces. The organisation of training takes account of the student’s situation.
Practical work combines learning at the workplace and in the educational institution. Professional skills are demonstrated in hands-on work tasks. The abilities of the student are evaluated by representatives of working life as well as the educational sector.
Initial vocational qualifications, further vocational qualifications and Specialist vocational qualifications offer expertise in almost 400 different professions. Each one of these quolifications can also be carried out as an apprenticeship.
Applications for basic vocational training are made during the joint application period every spring . One can also apply at any time during the year through continuous admission.
More information about vocational education and training can be found in the publications of the National Board of Education, in English, French, German and Russian among other languages:
One of the primary general objectives of this project is establishment, development and strengthening of the networks associated with the partner organisations in order to support regional, national and international collaboration with an aim of promoting Adult Learning Education. Development and strengthening of the networks will in turn strengthen the existing EUproVET network, a representational platform for European VET and Adult Education providers’ associations at both national or regional level.
UproVET was launched in 2009, the current members are the provider associations from FI, IE, NL, SI, and UK. All members share a strong commitment to Adult Learning and Education (ALE). In order to increase the EUproVET-membership, to learn from each other and to support the position of other ALE and VET associations, we aim to enlarge EUproVET with new members from EE, HR, ES, FR, DE, PT and TR.
New members will use the wider EUproVET network to both strengthen support regionally or nationally and to promote and widen their international cooperation around ALE at practitioner and policy level.
More info about the project >>
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